The Mystery of the Deserted Village
Ronnie! What’s the special occasion—getting up so early, I mean?”

The boy explained about the plan Bill and he had made—how they hoped to attract tourists to the deserted village and perhaps earn some money too.

“Sounds like a fine idea to me, son!” Mr. Rorth nodded his head. “Let me know if I can help you in any way.”

Mr. Rorth washed his dish out at the sink and set it into the drain to dry. “A fine day for haying,” he said glancing out the window at the sky. “In a few days I’ll need you and Phil to help gather it in.”

After his father had left, Ronnie got his breakfast of fruit juice and cereal from the refrigerator and pantry shelf and then sat down at the table to eat.

While he was eating, he thought over all the things Bill and he would do that day to prepare for their new business venture. He jotted them down on a piece of scrap paper: “Clean out all the buildings that are in pretty good shape. Cut off all the branches that stick out over the dirt road and the cobblestone road. Clear a small parking place. Print a sign to put on the highway.”

Then he added: “Tell Bill what I saw last night?” He added two more question marks at the end of the words.

Just as Ronnie was finishing his meal, he heard Mrs. Butler drive up in her car. A few minutes later she came bustling into the kitchen. “Well,” she exclaimed, “aren’t you the early bird!”

She opened the cupboard door and placed her pocketbook inside. “Strangest thing about that blanket,” she said35 to Ronnie. “I was sure I’d find it this morning. But I don’t see hide nor hair of it. Did you make your bed, youngster?”


Ronnie flushed. “No, ma’am,” he confessed.

“I might have guessed. Well, I’ll take care of it for you this once. ’Pears like you’ve got some mighty important things on your mind, or you wouldn’t be up so early. Keep your eyes peeled for that blanket.” She picked up the carpet sweeper from beside the refrigerator and hurried from the room.

Phil shuffled into the kitchen, still in his pajamas. He fell into a chair and yawned deeply. “That cereal looks O.K. Mind fixing me up a batch?”

“Help yourself. Be my guest.” Another idea had come to Ronnie and he jotted it down on his list: “Maybe 
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