The Lady from Long Acre
     Then, just in the nick of time, he turned to meet the driver of the cart. There was no chance of repeating his former tactics, for the sheer weight of the latter's rush had brought him into close quarters, and the next instant they were swaying up and down clutched in each other's arms. 

    The Lady from Long Acre 


   Victor Bridges 

   Author of "A Rogue by Compulsion," "The Man from Nowhere,"   "Jetsam" 

 Illustrated by Ray Rohn 

   G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London The Knickerbocker Press 1919 

   Copyright, 1919 BY VICTOR BRIDGES 

   The Knickerbocker Press, New York 



   I.—"Tiger" Bugg Versus "Lightning" Lopez II.—The Morals of Molly III.—Two Yellow-Faced Foreigners IV.—Like a Fairy Story V.—The Leniency of Justice VI.—Pricing an Heirloom VII.—Bugg's Strategy VIII.—Affairs in Livadia IX.—A Run-Away Queen X.—The Royal Enterprise XI.—The Baited Trap XII.—Molly Becomes an Ally XIII.—A Move by the Enemy XIV.—A Disturbance in Hampstead XV.—Impending Events XVI.—An Artistic Forgery XVII.—A Decoy Message XVIII.—The Royal Pass XIX.—Jimmy Dale XX.—Counterplotting XXI.—The Solution XXII.—Getting Access to Isabel XXIII.—Kidnapping the Bride XXIV.—Making Sure of Isabel 


 Just in the Nick of Time he Turned to Meet the Driver of the Car . . . . . . Frontispiece 

 Tony Sent the Fellow Staggering Back to the Edge of the Pavement 

 "I am so Sorry to have Kept you Waiting," Said Tony 

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