The God of Civilization: A Romance
uncle, and, in a new country begin a new life. Such, young ladies, is my story so far; what will happen hereafter is a sealed book, as yet. Now, Miss Etta, give us your story next.”


Scarcely had Allen Thornton uttered these words, when they were suddenly aroused by the sharp ringing of the ship’s bell, and, at the same moment Mrs. Gray appeared on the deck, her face white and her whole manner one of alarm. The young people sprang to their feet and ran toward her, crying out “what is it,”? “what has happened”?, “what is the matter,?” all talking at once in breathless excitement, presenting a strange contrast to the picture they had formed a moment before, of perfect comfort and contentment.

Mrs. Gray did not speak, but dropped into a chair as if utterly helpless.

“What is it,” again cried Etta.

Mrs. Gray raised her head and uttered that one word, so terrible to hear at sea: “Fire!!”

“O, mamma, is the ship on fire?”

By this time Mrs. Gray had recovered her composure, and, answered, “yes, on fire. Do what you can quickly to save what valuables you have. Your father says there is considerable powder in the vessel, and, that we shall probably have to take to the boats to save our lives.”

Indeed, already while they had been speaking, the men had been busy supplying the life boats 18with barrels of sea biscuit, and salt beef, and casks of fresh water and other necessities; and the scene which had so lately been one of placid enjoyment, had, in a moment been turned into the wildest confusion. Sailors running here and there, officers shouting out orders, and above it all, the smoke arising in dense clouds. The life boats were soon ready for their precious human freight. Into one boat Mrs. Gray, Allen Thornton, the three girls, the captain and four sailors went, the rest of the crew taking another boat. The men set the sails on the captain’s boat, and, as there was a brisk breeze blowing, together with the fact that the men bent manfully to the oars, they were soon a safe distance from the burning ship, and looking back could see the flames bursting out all over her.


All at once there was a frightful noise, and as they looked, they saw the vessel 
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