The God of Civilization: A Romance
Knowing that they could not keep the body of Carrie any length of time, and fully realizing the fact that they were all fast losing strength, Allen Thornton, assisted by two of the sailors, committed the remains to the sea. It was horrible to think of doing so, as sharks had been following the boat for some time past, and, here and there the shining dorsal fin of a sluggish, slow moving monster of the deep could be seen glistening in the sunlight. Etta was spared the torture of seeing her loved sister’s body given up to such a fate, owing to the fact that she was utterly unconscious of all that passed, and sat in the bottom of the boat with a vacant stare in her eyes. Both she and Mabel had now almost succumbed to the heat, and their terrible thirst. One of the sailors was raving wildly and 26throwing his arms above his head with heart-rending shrieks, as the body of Carrie struck the water with a slight splash, the sound seemed to madden him still more, for he gave one wild cry and threw himself over the side of the boat.


The sky which had been so clear at the beginning of the day, had gradually become overcast with clouds. At about three o’clock a few drops of rain fell with a soft plash into the boat. It soon increased to a hard shower. Captain Gray, Allen and the sailors quickly unlashed the barrel containing the sea biscuit, which they emptied into the bottom of the boat and set the barrel to catch the rain. They soon had caught enough to give each of the girls a refreshing draught, moistening their own parched throats as well. The rain continued to fall for some time, enabling them to catch several quarts of water.

For three days more they drifted on, with no signs of land, or even a friendly sail in sight, but about noon of the eighth day one of the sailors cried: “Land! Land!” “Captain, isn’t that land ahead?”

“I have seen that line against the sky for some time,” answered Captain Gray, “and I think you are right in saying it is land, yet it may be only a coral reef.”

What remnant of sail they had left was soon put up, and fortunately what breeze there was, was setting directly toward the island, if island it really was.

“Can’t we do something to make sure of reaching 27it, papa, if it is land?” asked Etta, who had now entirely revived.


“No my child, we must trust to luck to take us there. We are almost helpless. But there seems to be a current setting 
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