The Rambler Club's Winter Camp
"Undeniable fact that it looks like it," said Mr. Sladder. "But these young gentlemen want something to eat, and want it quick. Is Tim around?"

"No, Hiram. He just went off with Billy Musgrove."

"Too bad! But never mind. Get out the best you have in the house."

The boys drew up chairs around the bright stove, and settled down to solid comfort, while Hiram Sladder perched himself on a stool of rather ancient appearance.

"Strangers around these parts?" he remarked, affably, his eyes roving from one to another.

"You've struck it," said Hackett; "we've been trying to find out ever since we got here where the town is."

"And why they call it Stony Creek," added Tom Clifton.

"Well, just beyond the hill is as purty a little town as you want to see," confided the hotel keeper; "and it's an undeniable fact that the stoniest creek you ever laid your eyes upon flows close't to Bill Manley's blacksmith shop. Going to stay here long, young gentlemen?"

"No, we're off on a hunting trip," said Hackett, carelessly; "after big game."

"Sho! Know much about gunning?" asked Mr. Sladder, incautiously.

"Do we know much about gunning?" echoed John, with withering sarcasm. "Well, say—I've had a few tilts with wildcats, myself, and I'm here yet."

"Um—you can't always tell by looks," said Mr. Sladder, anxious to appease the tall youth's ire. "My son Tim—too bad he ain't here—is a born hunter. The way that boy can shoot and trap! Why, it's an undeniable fact that there ain't nobody in town can beat him. If the young gentlemen want a few good points where to go fur game—"

"Yes—that's the idea!" cried Bob, enthusiastically, drawing forth his map.

Hiram Sladder spread it out on a near-by table.

Surrounded by all save Dave Brandon, he placed a very broad finger on a spot indicating the position of Mapleton, then slowly passed it along the course of a river, and finally stopped at a lake.

Then he said: "Thereabouts! No better place in the state of Wisconsin."

"Plenty of wildcats, and wolves, I hope," said Hackett, with a sly glance toward Tom Clifton.

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