The Rambler Club Afloat
His chums did as requested, and saw written in a clear, bold hand, "Robert Somers, Kingswood;—Personal."

"Something's up there," laughed Dave; "better see what it is."

Without hesitation, Bob tore open the envelope, glanced at the letter and gave a whistle of astonishment.

"Goodness!" he exclaimed. "What can this mean?"

"Robert Somers, President Rambler Club:

Robert Somers

"Dear Sir:—If you will take the trouble to walk through the woods to the river, you will find, at Lloyd's Clearing, something that may interest you. Do not delay."

The communication was unsigned.

The three boys looked at each other in astonishment.

"I'm afraid it is some trick," declared Sam, at length; "perhaps Nat Wingate is trying to lead us on a wild goose chase."

"Can't you make out whose handwriting it is?" queried Dave.

The trio scrutinized the missive carefully, but none of them could recall having seen such a style of penmanship before.

"Well, I certainly call this mysterious," exclaimed Bob. "We must find Tom and Dick and start right away."

"And make ourselves a laughing-stock?" objected Sam.

"Even if it is a trick, a walk through the woods on a fine day like this won't do us any harm," commented Dave Brandon. "Besides we can see if the 'Lively' is all snug and safe."

"I have it," broke in Sam, suddenly.

"If you're not careful, we might get it, too," laughed Dave.

"Oh, pshaw, do be serious; I'll wager that some one has hidden the boat."

"You may be right," assented Bob; "and the only way to find out is by going to the clearing."

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