When night enveloped the scene and the cheery light of the fire had died away, the fringe of woods looked very black and mysterious. An old oak, with gaunt, spreading arms, assumed in the dim light a weird and fantastic appearance, while stumps and bushes, which, before, they had scarcely noticed, seemed like so many motionless figures of threatening mien. Nor were the nocturnal noises reassuring. The dismal hoot of an owl came from the woods, the strange cry of a loon sounded faintly from afar, twigs snapped sharply, and faint rustlings, almost like footsteps, now coming, now going, mingled with the musical soughing of the trees, as they bent their branches to the will of the capricious breeze. It must be confessed that decidedly creepy feelings stole over the Ramblers, which were not lessened when the rising moon appeared over the tops of the trees. It had never looked quite so grim to them before, nor did the pale, ghostly beams straggling over the ground impress them in just the same way as those they had seen in town. But in spite of all this, one by one, they dropped into a refreshing slumber. At early dawn, they were astir, and after breakfast, which was prepared on the oil-stove, hastily embarked. Upon reaching a bend in the river, they looked for signs of the Trailers. "Don't even hear a sound of their boat," remarked Bob. "They may be miles ahead by this time," suggested Sam. "I only hope so," said Dick. "The experience of yesterday proves that a few more meetings might lead to considerable trouble." The river narrowed a bit at this point and the banks presented a more wild and rugged appearance the further they went. A bold, rocky cliff jutted out straight ahead; the current, accelerated by its more restricted confines, eddied and swirled around its base. The "Rambler," at half speed, had almost reached the edge of the promontory when they heard a familiar sound. "The Nimrods!" exclaimed Bob. His words were hardly spoken before they realized that the rival motor boat had been ensconced behind the bluff. At that instant, it shot diagonally toward the middle of the river, a roar from the engine indicating that every particle of power had been turned on. "Here they are!" shouted Nat, with the