"Strictly Business"

“There’s two parties,” explained the master of the ‘Alert.’ “I’m keeping my eye upon both of ’em.”

“Once I ’ad my eye on two parties at the same time,” recalled Mr. Dobb. “One day they got introduced to each other. And I went ’ome in a cab.”

“My two ’ave known each other all their lives.”

“Well, they won’t go on knowing each other much longer,” acutely prophesied Mr. Dobb.

“And they lives together in the same ’ouse.”

“If you’ll excuse me saying so,” observed Horace, civilly, “you’ve got a dashed sight more pluck than sense. Two in the some town is bad enough for the ’eart, with all the excitement you get in turning a corner when you’re out with one of ’em. But two in the same ’ouse—”

“It’s mother and daughter, you see,” elucidated Captain Gooster. “Goffley is the name. Mrs. Goffley is a widow, and Ann’s ’er daughter. They live in Shorehaven ’ere.”

“First I’ve ’eard of ’em,” said Horace.

“Ah, they’re new-comers. They bought that little second-’and shop what Meyers used to keep at the corner of Fore Street. A snug little business. It only wants a man be’ind it, and it’ll be a little copper-mine.”

“And you’ve chosen yourself to be the man be’ind it? Good luck to you, sir!”

“What with my little bit saved up, and my job on the ‘Alert,’ and the little shop earning profits at ’ome, I shan’t be doing so badly for my old age,” stated Captain Gooster, complacently. “But there’s just one little drawback—I shall ’ave to marry one of them two females, and each time I imagine myself married to p. 11one, I finds myself wishing it ’ad been the other. You’ve only to see ’em both, and you’d understand.”

p. 11

“Well, which of ’em’s got the money?” asked Mr. Dobb. “That ought to settle the question easy enough.”

“That’s just the trouble. I can’t find out for certain which of ’em ’as got the cash. I’ve ’eard rumours that old Goffley left all ’is money to ’is daughter, with instructions to ’er to look after ’er ma. And then I’ve ’eard rumours that ’e’s left everything to ’is wife, with instructions to look after ’er daughter. Far as I can see,” disconsolately ended Captain 
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