asked. "You come with us," said Kashimo. Fallon saw four other small neat men outside, close behind their leader in the doorway. He said, "What do you mean, 'cancel out'?" He knew, before Kashimo moved his automatic. Kashimo said, "Mr. Bjarnsson, please to move out of the line of fire." No one moved. The room was still, except for Joan's quick-caught breath. And then motion beyond the west windows caught Fallon's eye. A colder fear crawled in his heart, but his voice surprised him, it was so steady. "Kashimo. Look out there." The bright black eyes flicked warily aside. They widened sharply, and the cords went slack about the jaw. Fallon sprang. He had forgotten the wound across his back. The shock of his body striking Kashimo turned him sick and faint. He knew that the little man fell, staggering the others so close behind him. He knew that Joan Daniels was shouting, and that Bjarnsson had caught up an ebony war-club and was using it. Shots boomed in his ears. But one sound kept him from fainting—the thunder of slow relentless giant wings. He got up in unsteady darkness. A round sallow face appeared. He struck at it. Bone cracked under his knuckles, and the face vanished. Fallon found a wall and clung to it. Hands gripped his ankle—Kashimo's hands. Bjarnsson was outside mopping up. Fallon braced himself and drew his foot back. His toe caught Kashimo solidly under the angle of the jaw. "Joan," said Fallon. The wings were thundering closer. Joan didn't answer. A sort of queer panic filled Fallon. "Joan!" he cried. "Joan!" "Here I am, Webb." She came from beyond the door, with a heavy little idol in her hand. It had blood on it. Her golden hair was tumbled and her neck was bleeding where a bullet had creased it. Fallon caught her. He felt her wince under his hands. He didn't know quite what he wanted, except that she must be safe. He only said, "Hurry, before those things get here." The throb of wings was deafening. Bjarnsson came in, swinging his club. His cragged face was bloody, but his pale eyes blazed. "Good man, Fallon," he grunted.