supper. “Howdy,” says Sig. “I reckon I can congratulate you on yore marriage to Buck.” Matilda blushes through her whiskers and smooths her skirt. “Thanks, Sigismund. I had hopes that you and Rosalind could stand up with us, but she’s in Curlew and won’t be back. I’ll have to git Miss Harris. Would you like to stand up with her?” “Ma’am,” says Sig, “while I admires such functions uh heap, I’d uh lot rather jist sit on th’ bench and watch ’em. Rosalind is uh real nice girl, I reckon, but her and me ain’t——” Miss Beebee pats Sig on th’ shoulder in uh motherly way. “Rosalind is uh nice girl but she’s got uh temper that would, when it busts, make uh stick of dynamite sound like th’ scratchin’ of uh sulfur match. She told me that she liked yore looks th’ first time she ever seen yuh, Sigismund, but it’s money she wants—not love.” “She’s done married Ren,” states Sig sarcastically. “Already? My, my, she shore didn’t take any chances. I’ll tell you uh secret Ricky Henderson told.” Sig looked foolishly at her and scratched his head. “Ricky did, eh? Jist about how much did that hombre e-lucidate?” “He came in here the other day after Renley had gone, and he told us all about Renley being the real owner of the Triangle cattle and also havin’ uh big interest in th’ Seven A. Oh, he told us all about Renley. Ricky had been drinkin’, I think.” “So Rosalind——” “Jist a moment, Sigismund. I want to make a little confession. Her name is not Rosalind, but Matilda. We traded names when we came up here because mine fits her better than her own. Of course all our friends outside of Piperock know that my name is Rosalind. Of course when she found out all about Renley——” “Yes’m,” agreed Sig. “She marries him fer his money. Honest, ma’am, I feels fer both of them.” Sig walks back across th’ street in uh dazed sort-a way and leans against th’ bar. “Rosalind, eh?” he snorts to himself. “Well, don’t that beat four of uh kind. Renley is th’ owner of th’— Gosh! There’s goin’ to be uh noise like uh ton of dynamite in that li’l ol’ honeymoon. Huh!