The Cave Girl
give his adversary the trifling advantage that would spell death for the one she struck.

The two men had struggled to their feet again as she approached with raised weapon.

At the very moment that it left her hand they swung completely round, so that Waldo faced her, and in the instant before the missile struck his forehead he saw Nadara in the very act of throwing—upon her face an expression of hatred and loathing.

Then he lost consciousness and went down, dragging with him the cave man, upon whose throat his fingers had just found their hold.

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When the old man saw what had happened he ran forward and grasped Nadara by the wrist.


"Quick!" he cried—"quick, my daughter! You have killed him who would have saved you, and now nothing but flight may keep Korth from having his way with you."

As in a trance the girl turned and departed with him.

They had scarcely disappeared within the underbrush when Waldo returned to consciousness, so slight had been the effect of the blow upon his head.

To his surprise he found the cave man lying very still beside him, but an instant later he read the reason for it in the little projecting ridge of rock upon which lay his foe's forehead—in falling the savage man had struck thus and lost consciousness.

Almost immediately the hairy one opened his eyes, but before he could gather his scattered senses sinewy fingers found his throat, and he lapsed once more into oblivion—from which there was no awakening.

As Waldo staggered to his feet he saw that the[Pg 98] girl had vanished, and there swept back into his mind the memory of the hate that had been in her face as she struck him down.

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