"They picked your window because they said they liked your looks—I can't imagine why. That was their big mistake. Any other of our ticket-sellers would have waited to see what happened next. You, you dumble, fell into a panic and ran away. And I've had to leave my desk in the middle of a busy aftern to go and fetch you. We couldn't let you wander around here for a week without means of subsistence, and thinking you were suspected of murder!" "I suppose I'll be demoted now," Mikel said gloomily. "That wouldn't be fair. This wasn't one of the known responsibilities of your position. No, but I imagine you'll come in for a lot of whiffing, to use a slang expression." "Kidding—that's what they call it here, I think. Well, I'm used to that." "And Dafne Dart says she's wild to meet you." "Dafne Dart? Who's she?" Mikel looked alarmed again. "Your performance made a tremend impression on her. She told me to tell you she thinks 'you're purely vlumpish.' She's the actress who played the murder victim." "That red-haired girl with the green eyes with flecks of amber in them?" asked Mikel eagerly. "With the streely smile and the gorge voice?" "You seem to have noticed her," said the TTT executive dryly. "Yes, that's the one. I thought you didn't go for women." "But that's different!" Mikel Skot caroled. "Redheads with green eyes—that's the one kind that crashes me and that I crash—I just found it out today. "Come on, Citizen, what are we waiting for? Let's Go!"