Holly: The Romance of a Southern Girl
“Well, I haven’t felt the need of it myself,” replied Winthrop, “but it was here and it seemed a shame to waste it. I’ll close the windows if you like.”

“Not at all, not at all; I like fresh air. I couldn’t have too much of it, sir, if it wasn’t for this confounded rheumatism of mine. With your permission, sir.” The Major leaned forward and laid a fresh log on the fire. Winthrop arose and quietly closed the windows.

“Do you smoke, Major? I have some cigars here somewhere.”

“Thank you, sir, if they’re right handy.” He accepted one, held it to his[94] nose and inhaled the aroma, smiled approvingly and tucked it into a corner of his mouth. “You’ll pardon me if I don’t light it,” he said.


“Certainly,” replied Winthrop.

“I never learned to smoke, Mr. Winthrop,” explained the Major, “and I reckon I’m too old to begin now. But when I was a boy, and afterwards, during the war, I got a lot of comfort out of chewing, sir. But it’s a dirty habit, sir, and I had to give it up. The only way I use tobacco now, sir, is in this way. It’s a compromise, sir.” And he rolled the cigar around enjoyably.

“I see,” replied Winthrop.

“I trust you are feeling recovered from the effects of your arduous journey?” inquired the Major.

“Quite, thank you. I dare say Miss Wayne told you what an ass I made of myself when I arrived?”

“You refer to your—ah—momentary indisposition? Yes, Miss India informed me, and I was very pleased to learn of it.”[95] Winthrop stared in surprise. “You are feeling better now, sir?”


“Oh, yes; quite fit, thank you.”

“I’m very glad to hear it. I must apologize for not being at the station to welcome you, sir, but I gathered from your letter that you would not reach Corunna before to-morrow, and I thought that perhaps you would telegraph me again. I was obliged to drive into the country this afternoon on business, and only learned of your visit to my office when I returned. I then took the liberty of calling at the earliest moment.”

“And I’m very glad you did,” answered Winthrop, heartily. “There’s a good deal I want to talk to you about.”

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