Booby prize
"This is a rather unique place you have here," observed Forsyth, eyeing the laboratory in general.

Peter nodded, wondering why Forsyth bothered to comment. He had been there before and he had seen it all. He said, not because he wanted to explain, but because Forsyth had left a very awkward silence that Peter wanted filled, "Once, it was an automobile sales room. The last of the big plush jobs. It had a ladies' powder room and a nursery to take care of the kids whilst mother picked out the upholstery to match her dress, a bar for father to half-anaesthetise himself in before he signed the check, and concealed way back in the rear was a vast area filled with repairmen and spare parts. It went idle after too many customers had their crates worked on in the back. Sit down, Mr. Forsyth, and we'll confer. What's on your mind?"

"Mr. Mansfield, I am here on a rather distressing mission."


"Indeed, and it pains me."

"I'll bet. So—?"

"You have, you must admit, failed to produce, you know."

Peter nodded slowly. "My first attempt was rather puny as a success. However, I'd not call it a howling flop, Mr. Forsyth."

"Perhaps not, but you have not produced the answer or corrective measures."

"These things take time. Research cannot be scheduled, no one can stand off and state that at such-and-such a time, following x-number of man hours of work, he will come up with some basic discovery."

"I must admit that you are probably right. However, I must point out that you are not keeping your contract."

"Not keeping my contract?"

"You signed a contract to produce a matter transmitter for Mr. Higgins."

"Oh. Well, look, Mr. Forsyth, I was under the supposition that I would be granted more time. After all, I did transmit matter, you know."

Mr. Forsyth nodded very slowly. "This I saw. Now, Mr. Mansfield, have you been able to think up any logical, profitable use for your device as it stands as of today?"

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