The belt
his heart leaped when he saw the girl approaching before the harsh echoes of the "first bell" had died away. He noticed with delight that she was taking more care of her appearance than before. A white flower shone in her hair, which was newly washed and neatly combed. Her bare feet peeped from beneath the hem of a fresh robe.

"Good morning, Jo," he smiled at her. "Would you like to see my house? It's not far; you have time."

For a long moment she looked at him dubiously. Then her curiosity overcame her fear. "Ye-es. Jo will go. Must be back when second gong rings."

"Come then. We must hurry." This time she let him hold her arm. "I found some new flowers in the valley this morning," he continued softly.

"Flowers?" She glanced at him under fringed lashes.

"Yes.... Like the one you wear in your hair. What is it called?"

"It called.... It called...." She shook her head at last. "Jo ... forget."

"And this tree, all covered with blossoms. What is its name?"

"Jo think it called mim ... mimo ... mimosa?"

"Right. Well, here's the house. Come right in."

"Oh no. Law say...."

"The devil with the law. It's my house; come in."

After repeated urgings she crept through the big door. Her work completely forgotten for once, she marvelled at the lacy curtains, the waxed floors which made walking so difficult and the paintings on the walls.

While she was testing the softness of the big bed upstairs with open-mouthed astonishment, Jonathan slipped out of the room and locked the door.

Tom, his white head bobbing with worry, was watching him from the landing. "I wouldn't have done it, Mister Johnny," he muttered. "It would be better for you to get a girl in England or the States...."

"Damn you, shut your mouth," his master exploded. "There's no danger; she can't get out. This may jolt her out of her rut. Then she can help the others."

He was interrupted by the snarling clangor of the 
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