a little bow. But Nancy waved the compliment aside. "What do you think of my trying to get a position to teach?" she asked. "It would perhaps save me from loneliness and keep me from brooding." "For those reasons it might be wise, yet it seems to me that I would not undertake it, at least I would not at present." "Shall I have enough without? If not, what would you advise me to do?" Mr. Weed put the tips of his fingers together and gave a few moment's frowning consideration to the question, while he sat back with pursed-up mouth and head a little to one side. "I would advise you to stay here for a few months," he said finally. "In the meantime we can find out exactly the state of your finances, and then you can determine upon your best course. It would be well if you could have some older woman with you. Could Mrs. Bertram remain?" "I do not know, but I shall scarcely be able to pay her, dearly as I should love to have her with me. She has been so devoted, so helpful in every way, and I have learned to love her very dearly." "Then I should not be in haste to let her go." "Can I afford to keep up this place with Parthy and Ira?" "For the present it appears to me the best plan. I think you should do everything possible to establish your health before taking up the problem of a changed manner of life." "And the doctor's bills, the druggist?" "I will attend to them when I settle up the estate. Do not give yourself any uneasiness about those things." "How good you are," sighed Nancy. "I feel much more hopeful, much easier in my mind. I thought it was wrong to let things go, but it is a relief not to grapple with difficulties just yet. I cannot tell you what a help you are, the one person who knows all, whose advice I can rely upon." Mr. Weed drew himself up stiffly and moistened his dry lips, frowning the while, moved to the soul by the girl's words, yet fearing to show his emotion. "I trust you will not fail to confide in me and ask my advice whenever you desire," he said even more coldly than usual. "And if I find I must go to work you will help me find something to do?" He smiled in a manner which one who did not know