Mary Regan
parties. It was a commonplace of business and politics and police affairs, that competitors and even deadly enemies may scratch the past off the books and combine in a common effort when they vision a profit sufficiently large in such a procedure.

And profit there certainly would be in Bradley’s proposition—big profit. First, would be the original profit of the large fees which clients would pay to have information secured for them. And second,—if the agency were to be run as most other private detective agencies, and on this Bradley would doubtless insist,—there would be the usual large profits secured through the pleasant and easy device of blackmailing clients by threatening to reveal to the public the scandals they had been paid privately to uncover and corroborate. Beyond a doubt, tremendous profits!

Yes, it might not be a trap. It might be just a plain business proposition. It might be—

Another thought: It might be a bribe!

Yes, whatever else it might be, it also was certainly[33] a bribe. But to buy him away from what?... From what?...


“It’s a good proposition—yes?” prompted Loveman.

Though Clifford had taken time to think, his decision had been made the very moment he had understood Bradley’s proposition.

“As you say, Bradley, there’s big money in it, and it’s a great chance for the right party. I want to thank you for considering me and offering me the chance. But I never expect to build up a big business, and such cases as I do take on I want to handle personally and in my own way.”

Bradley’s square face showed not the slightest change. “That’s your privilege, to do things the way you like. Glad I spoke to you about it, though.”

“That’s another good inspiration I had that’s gone on the rocks,” humorously complained Loveman—“as bum a guesser here as when I backed Nina Cordova in ‘Orange Blossoms.’” He followed Clifford to the door, a hand upon his arm. “Anyhow, I may want to be shoving some business your way.”

“Thanks.” Clifford nodded to Bradley, and Bradley nodded back, his face the same grim mask as ever.



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