"Up at Missah Poyah's shop." "Missah who?" "Missah Poyah, no." "Who 'im are—whey he come from?" "Palama, soul." "Palama?" "Yes." "An' wha' he doin' heah?" "He open a shop, soulee." "Oh, I see." "Yes, chile, he are a Palama man." "Well, I must be goin' den," Ella drew the shawl around her shoulders. "I must go see dis-yah Poyah." "An' oh, Ella, he got one leg—" "Yo' don't say!" "Deed he is! Got it cut off on de canal—" [Pg 41] [Pg 41] "I gwine 'long now. Got to go back ... leave me pot boilin' ... got to go back an' eat me fresh food." III Aftermath—green aftermath.