The Y. M. C. A. boys on Bass Island : or, The mystery of Russabaga camp
feet not much hurt by his adventurous ride. Boylike, he immediately decided to stick to it that he had carried the trick through purposely, to show what a fine rough-rider he would make.

About this time Elmer Jones tugged at the sleeve of Dick’s coat.

“Look at Nat and his bunch, every one of ’em trying to corral a squealing porker,” he called out. “I wonder what he’s got up his sleeve? I heard Nat tell Dit Hennesy he wanted every fellow to get a pig apiece.”

“Oh! I shouldn’t be surprised if they expect Bratton’ll be offering a reward for the safe return[Pg 15] of his ugly pets; and it’ll be easy money for their crowd,” remarked Leslie; and then burst into a roar of laughter when one of the boys in question stumbled and fell flat, to have a whole drove of the pigs scamper directly over him.

[Pg 15]

Dick and his chums would only too gladly have assisted in putting the blaze out, because it would have been great fun for them. They had done something of the sort not a great while back, when the house next to that of Mr. Nocker had caught on fire, and precious lives were placed in peril.

In the present instance it happened that there was really little or no chance to play the part of heroes. The gallant fire fighters poured enough water on the already damp hay to smother the last spark, and in order to feel in part repaid for their lively run in the heat of the afternoon were doing more or less smashing around. They felt confident that all damages would be settled by the fire insurance companies with whom so careful a man as Mr. Bratton undoubtedly held policies.

Mr. Bratton, indeed, seemed to be more concerned about the disappearance of some two dozen of his pigs than any damage his barn had sustained. Perhaps this was because the animals were not included in the insurance; or it might be he suspected the fire to have been part of a plot on the part of disputing neighbors to rid themselves of a pest.

[Pg 16]

[Pg 16]

“Here, bring those pigs back to this other building! Do you hear me?” he was shouting to some of the people who had managed to secure a few of the alarmed pigs, though it was all they could do to hold them.

They resented the tone of authority conveyed by his manner and words, and on that account two men immediately 
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