hand in her notice. She leaves us tomorrow.' Henry was appalled at the extent of the disaster for which he was responsible. 'What will you do?' 'Do! Why, it's what we have all been praying for—a miracle which should eject Miss Weaver. It needed a genius like you to come to bring it off. Sidney Crane's wife can play the part without rehearsal. She understudied it all last season in London. Crane has just been speaking to her on the phone, and she is catching the night express.' Henry sat up in bed. 'What!' 'What's the trouble now?' 'Sidney Crane's wife?' 'What about her?' A bleakness fell upon Henry's soul. 'She was the woman who was employing me. Now I shall be taken off the job and have to go back to London.' 'You don't mean that it was really Crane's wife?' Jelliffe was regarding him with a kind of awe. 'Laddie,' he said, in a hushed voice, 'you almost scare me. There seems to be no limit to your powers as a mascot. You fill the house every night, you get rid of the Weaver woman, and now you tell me this. I drew Crane in the sweep, and I would have taken twopence for my chance of winning it.' 'I shall get a telegram from my boss tomorrow recalling me.' 'Don't go. Stick with me. Join the troupe.' Henry stared. 'What do you mean? I