The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories
manner seems to suggest that I am more to be pitied than censured.     

       If it wasn't that the thing was a matter of historical fact, I should be inclined to believe that Aunt Julia had never been on the vaudeville stage. She is like a stage duchess.     

       She always seems to me to be in a perpetual state of being about to desire the butler to instruct the head footman to serve lunch in the blue-room overlooking the west terrace. She exudes dignity. Yet, twenty-five years ago, so I've been told by old boys who were lads about town in those days,       she was knocking them cold at the Tivoli in a double act called 'Fun in a Tea-Shop', in which she wore tights and sang a song with a chorus that began, 'Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay'.     

       There are some things a chappie's mind absolutely refuses to picture, and Aunt Julia singing 'Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay' is one of them.     

       She got straight to the point within five minutes of our meeting.     

       'What is this about Gussie? Why did you cable for me, Bertie?'     

       'It's rather a long story,' I said, 'and complicated. If you don't mind, I'll let you have it in a series of motion pictures. Suppose we look in at the Auditorium for a few minutes.'     

       The girl, Ray, had been re-engaged for a second week at the Auditorium, owing to the big success of her first week. Her act consisted of three songs. She did herself well in the matter of costume and scenery. She had a ripping voice. She looked most awfully pretty; and altogether the act was, broadly speaking, a pippin.     

       Aunt Julia didn't speak till we were in our seats. Then she gave a sort of sigh.     

       'It's twenty-five years since I was in a music-hall!'     

       She didn't say any more, but sat there with her eyes glued on the stage.     

       After about half an hour the johnnies who work the card-index system at the side of the stage put up the name of Ray Denison, and there was a good deal of applause.     

       'Watch this act, Aunt Julia,' I said.     

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