In the Fog
       “I rose and tried to light another candle with the one I held, but I found that my hand was so unsteady that I could not keep the wicks together. It was my intention to again search for this strange dagger which had been used to kill both the English boy and the beautiful princess, but before I could light the second candle I heard footsteps descending the stairs, and the Russian servant appeared in the doorway.     

       “My face was in darkness, or I am sure that at the sight of it he would have taken alarm, for at that moment I was not sure but that this man himself was the murderer. His own face was plainly visible to me in the light from the hall, and I could see that it wore an expression of dull bewilderment. I stepped quickly toward him and took a firm hold upon his wrist.     

       “‘She is not there,’ he said. ‘The Princess has gone. They have all gone.’      

       “‘Who have gone?’ I demanded. ‘Who else has been here?’      

       “‘The two Englishmen,’ he said.     

       “‘What two Englishmen?’ I demanded. ‘What are their names?’      

       “The man now saw by my manner that some question of great moment hung upon his answer, and he began to protest that he did not know the names of the visitors and that until that evening he had never seen them.     

       “I guessed that it was my tone which frightened him, so I took my hand off his wrist and spoke less eagerly.     

       “‘How long have they been here?’ I asked, ‘and when did they go?’      

       “He pointed behind him toward the drawing-room.     

       “‘One sat there with the Princess,’ he said; ‘the other came after I had placed the coffee in the drawing-room. The two Englishmen talked together and the Princess returned here to the table. She sat there in that chair, and I brought her cognac and cigarettes. Then I sat outside upon the bench. It was a feast day, and I had been drinking. Pardon, Excellency, but I fell asleep. When I woke, your Excellency was standing by me, but the Princess and the two Englishmen had gone. That is all I know.’      

       “I believed that the man was telling me the truth. His fright had passed, and he was now 
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