The Casual Ward academic and other oddments
was bitterly opposed by M. Thersites, Leader of the Extreme Left, who demanded to know why the Achaean nation was to be plunged recklessly into war for the settlement of matters properly pertaining to the province of a Divorce Court. Fortunately for the success of M. Diomedes’ proposal, the closure was put in operation.


   M. Thersites’ funeral is announced for to-morrow (about the time of loosing oxen).

   February 25.

   I cannot better describe the existing political situation than by quoting the opinion of leading newspapers in Achaea and elsewhere.

   All the official journals are consistently warlike in tone. They declare that nothing will satisfy Achaean aspirations but the annexation of Helen. The Athenian


   declares that should King

   Agamemnon employ the opened floodgates of popular enthusiasm as a stepping-stone to lop off another limb from the decaying trunk of the (so-called) Trojan Empire, he will have achieved a permanent blessing to civilization.

   On the other hand, the

    Olympian Times

   comments severely on the precipitate action of Agamemnon, and animadverts on the rash proceedings which have led to a rupture that might have been averted by diplomacy. As the


   is understood to be the mouthpiece of the Powers, such an utterance may well give rise to the gravest apprehensions.



   —a Phocian organ of pronounced clerical tendencies—preserves an ambiguous tone.

   Everything indicates a warlike attitude on the part of the


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