Idle Ideas in 1905
served to waken him? In a little time from now we shall know.

   From the Chinese Room the white-haired dame leads us to the Japanese
Room. Had gentle-looking Princess Amalia some vague foreshadowing of
the future in her mind when she planned these two rooms leading into
one another? The Japanese decorations are more grotesque, the
designs less cheerfully comical than those of cousin Chinaman. These
monstrous, mis-shapen wrestlers, these patient-looking gods, with
their inscrutable eyes! Was it always there, or is it only by the
light of present events that one reads into the fantastic fancies of
the artist working long ago in the doorway of his paper house, a
meaning that has hitherto escaped us?

   But the chief attraction of the Huis ten Bosch is the gorgeous Orange
Saloon, lighted by a cupola, fifty feet above the floor, the walls
one blaze of pictures, chiefly of the gorgeous Jordaen school—"The
Defeat of the Vices," "Time Vanquishing Slander"—mostly allegorical,
in praise of all the virtues, in praise of enlightenment and
progress. Aptly enough in a room so decorated, here was held the
famous Peace Congress that closed the last century. One can hardly
avoid smiling as one thinks of the solemn conclave of grandees
assembled to proclaim the popularity of Peace.

   It was in the autumn of the same year that Europe decided upon the
dividing-up of China, that soldiers were instructed by Christian
monarchs to massacre men, women and children, the idea being to
impress upon the Heathen Chinee the superior civilization of the
white man. The Boer war followed almost immediately. Since when the
white man has been pretty busy all over the world with his
"expeditions" and his "missions."  The world is undoubtedly growing
more refined. We do not care for ugly words. Even the burglar
refers airily to the "little job" he has on hand. You would think he
had found work in the country. I should not be surprised to learn
that he says a prayer before starting, telegraphs home to his anxious
wife the next morning that his task has been crowned with blessing.

   Until the far-off date of Universal Brotherhood war will continue.
Matters considered unimportant by both parties will—with a mighty
flourish of trumpets—be referred to arbitration. I was talking of a
famous financier a while ago with a man who had been his secretary.

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