Six Little Bunkers at Grandma Bell's
   The two older girls were trying on their dolls' dresses when, all of a sudden, Mun Bun came running up from the lake, his eyes big with wonder, and after him ran Margy.

   "Oh, I saw it! I saw it!" cried Mun Bun. "It's a great big bear! He came right up out of the lake! Oh, come and look, Rose!" and he ran to take his sister's hand, while Margy hid behind Violet.

   "What is it, Mun Bun?" asked Rose.

   "Oh, I saw something big—an animal—I—I guess it's a bear—come up out of the lake!" cried the little fellow. "Come and look!"

   When Mun Bun had said that a bear had come up out of the lake, at first Rose felt she was going to be frightened, but when she saw that her littlest brother and sister were also afraid, Rose made up her mind that she must be brave.

   She looked at Vi, and Vi was a little frightened, too, but not as much so as Mun Bun and Margy.

   "What was it you saw, Mun?" asked Vi, even now not able to stop asking questions. "Where was it?"

   "It was a big bear, I guess," answered the little fellow.

   "Pooh!" cried Rose, in a voice she tried to make sound brave. "There aren't any bears in these woods. Grandma Bell said so."

   "Well, anyhow, it was a—a



   said Mun Bun. "It came up out of the water and it made a big splash."

   "It splashed water on me," said Margy.

   "What did you think it was?" asked Vi.

   "Maybe—maybe a—a elephant," replied the little girl. "It had a big long tail, anyhow."

   "Then it couldn't be a elephant," declared Rose.

   "Why not?" Vi wanted to know.

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