But the way that he took, lay just over a brook, Which he found it was needful to cross; So without more ado, he plunged in to go through, Not dreaming of danger or loss. But what should appear, in this rivulet clear, As he thought upon coolest reflection, But a cur like himself, who with ill-gotten pelf, Had run off in that very direction. Thought the dog, a propos ! but that instant let go (As he snatched at this same water-spaniel) The piece he possess'd:—so with hunger distress'd He slowly walk'd home to his kennel. Hence, when we are needy, don't let us be greedy, (Excuse me this line of digression,) Lest in snatching at all, like the dog, we let fall The good that we have in possession. Two trav'llers one morning set out from their home,