Aesop, in Rhyme Old Friends in a New Dress
     Your sides may crack, as has been shown,

     And we with laughing crack our own.


     mice who saw fit, once a quarter to meet,

     To arrange the concerns of their city;

     Thought it needful to choose, as is common with us,

     First a chairman, and then a committee.

     When the chairman was seated, the object he stated

     For which at that meeting they sat:

     Which was, it should seem, the concerting a scheme

     To defeat the designs of the cat.

     Dr. Nibblecheese rose, and said, "I would propose,

     To this cat we fasten a bell;

     He who likes what I've said, now will hold up his head;

     He who does not, may hold up his tail."

     So out of respect, they their noses erect,

     Except one who the order reversed;


     , all then but one, but yet nought could be done,

     Until he had his reasons rehearsed.

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