Aesop, in Rhyme Old Friends in a New Dress
     "I say it does, you saucy puss:

     How dare you contradict me thus;

     But more than this, you idle clack,

     You rail'd at me behind my back

     Two years ago, I have been told;"

     "How so? I'm not a twelvemonth old,"

     The lamb replied; "So I suspect

     Your honor is not quite correct."

     "If not, your mother it must be,

     And that comes all the same to me,"

     Rejoined the wolf—who waited not

     But kill'd and ate him on the spot.

     Some, like the wolf, adopt the plan,

     To make a quarrel

      if they can


     But none with you can hold dispute,

     If you're


     to be mute;

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