Had a favorite dog which he fed from his hand. Nay, the dog was permitted to jump on his knee: An honor that vex'd our poor donkey to see. "Now," thought he, "what's the reason, I cannot see any, That I have no favors, while he has so many? If all this is got by just wagging his tail, Why I have got one, which I'll wag without fail." So the donkey resolved to try what he could do And, determined unusual attentions to show, When his master was dining, came into the room. "Good sir!" said his friends, "why your donkey is come!" "Indeed!" said their host, great astonishment showing, When he saw the ass come, while his tail was a-going; But who can describe his dismay or fear, When the donkey rear'd up, and bray'd loud in his ear! "You rascal get down,—John, Edward, or Dick! Where are you? make haste, and come here with a stick." The man roared—the guests laugh'd—the dog bark'd—the bell rung: