Now Ready, Royal 16mo, bound in Cloth, price eighteenpence, WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. The extraordinary success attendant upon the publication of the Half-crown Edition of Webster’s Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language ,—in the face of a most obstinate and inveterate opposition on the part of the proprietors of the out-of-date and worthless compilations, so called Dictionaries, printed from old stereotype plates, which have remained unaltered for years,—has induced Messrs. Ward and Lock to issue a CHEAPER EDITION FOR THE MILLION, price only ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE!!! * ∗ * The New Edition at 1s. 6d. will, of course, be printed on thinner paper, but still the type will appear perfectly distinct. It is almost unnecessary to state, that only an enormous sale can reimburse the Publishers in issuing an edition at so low a price as 1s. 6d. ; still, Messrs. Ward