SPELLING BOOK. Demy 8vo, embellished with upwards of 250 SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS By Gilbert, Harvey, Dalziel , and other eminent artists. 128 pp., new and accented type, upon the principle of “Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language.” Cloth, gilt lettered, price 1s.; coloured, 2s. * ∗ * The “ Illustrated Webster Spelling Book ” has been most carefully compiled by an Eminent English Scholar, who is daily engaged in the tuition of youth, and, therefore, knows exactly what is really useful in a Spelling Book. The Reading Lessons are arranged upon a new progressive principle, exceedingly simple, and well adapted for the purpose. The Accented Type has been adopted, so as to ensure correct pronunciation. The old system of mis-spelling words is dangerous in the extreme, and, therefore, very justly, has now fallen into disuse. In a word, the “ Illustrated Webster Spelling Book ,” whether considered in respect to its Typography, Binding, or Beauty of its Illustrations, must take the highest position as a School-Book, entirely setting aside the old-fashioned, and, in most instances, unintelligible—so called—helps to learning. IN PREPARATION, THE ILLUSTRATED WEBSTER READER, SERIES I.,