in most of our memories. All that is certain is that there was an uproar in the congregation, especially the younger portion; that the Deacon began making unsuccessful dives for his poultry; that the organist struck up "Onward, Christian Soldiers," and that the minister waved us away without a benediction amid loud shouts of, "Shoo!" "I swanny!" and, "Drat the pesky critters!" from your Uncle Bentley. Did it serve to subdue Uncle Bentley? Not in the least; he survived to do worse things. A man came here from Idaho, With lots of mining stock. He brought along as specimens A lot of mining rock. The stock was worth a cent a pound If stacked up in a pile. The rock was worth a dollar and A half per cubic mile. We planted him at eventide, 'Mid shadows dim and dark; We fixed him up an epitaph,— "Death loves a mining shark." To-day, when I had dined my fill Upon a Caxton,—you know Will,— I crawled forth o'er the colophon To bask awhile within the sun;