The Wit and Humor of America, Volume X (of X)
    An' nen



    "'Clear out o' my way!

    They's time fer work an' time fer play!

    Take yer dough, an' run, Child; run!



    cain't git no cookin' done!'"

    Wunst our hired girl, one time when she

    Got the supper, an' we all et,

    An' it was night, an' Ma an' me

    An' Pa went wher' the "Social" met,—

    An' nen when we come home, an' see

    A light in the kitchen-door, an' we

    Heerd a maccordeum, Pa says "Lan'-

    O'-Gracious! who can


    beau be?"

    An' I marched in, an' 'Lizabuth Ann

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