The Bad Boy At Home And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885
of pennie anty with Genral Grant, who alreddy is awaitin' me behind yonder cloud of Havannah smoke."

   "Hold on, Ros, leve us a smell," sed the reporter, as I shoved the bottel in my pistil pocket, and disserpeered behind a toombstun.

   This mornin' the intervue come out in the


   , and the hull corpse of noosgathururs of the other papers is detaled in divishuns to wach all the semerneries in the hope of interviewin' the gost of James G. Blame, and the demmercrazey is wilder with inthusiasm than they was after Fouracres got drownded in wiskey out in Oio.

   I never could see y peepel with good cents don't xercise a little jugement wen they name their baby's, so as fellus like me, wot is a young aspyrant for jurnerlistic ornhers, wouldn't git mixed up on 'em.

   Now the citie edittur told me if I ever hurd of any dog fites, or axydents, to report 'em, cos it'd keep me in practise. So this mornin, bout 3 o'clock, we was woke up by a orfull loud poundin on the front dore. Pa thot it was burglers, jest as if they'd nock at the dore if they wanted to cum in and steel. So ma had to go to the winder, and she found out it was Mrs. Gould, that's my chum, Jimmie's mother. She was cryin orful, and wanted ma to come over to her house, cos Jimmy had got the nitemare from etin too much minsepie, and fell outer bed, and she was frade he'd brok his kneck, cos he hadn't spok a wurd sinse. I seen I had a chanse to distinguish myself, so I put on my cloes and run down to the offis. Oll the editturs and reporthers had gone to bed, cos the paper was jest goin to press, so I told the foreman all bout the axerdent wot happinned to J. Gould. He got orful xcited, and sed I orter be promoted, cos it was a splendid item, and we'd be the only paper wot would hav it, and then he got the paper reddy for 50,000 extra coppies.

   Wen I went down town after brake-fast I never seed such xcitement; hundreds of peeple was at every street corner reedin' the


   and discussin' probubillytees of a panic. The noose-boys was coinin' money sellin' our paper, singin' out "All 'bout the axerdent," and showin' the peeple the


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