The Bad Boy At Home And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885
boded no good for the



   Wen I got back to the offis a note was watin for me, wot red:

   I assure you, Mr. Diry, the temptashun was purty strong, but I thot of my integrity and princerples, and rote:

   Last nite I went over to call on Maria. I thot I'd be prepared, so I washed myself in ma's lavender water, and sprinkeled oh de coloney all over my does. Wen I nocked at Marias dore, I stepped down off the steps and wated for her appairanse. At last she cum, and blushed up orful wen I ast her if it was all rite. She sed she didnt kno, cos she'd got so used to it she culdnt tell, but she thot it was all rite, cos she'd ben standin 'tween two open winders for the weak, and if it warnt gone by this time, she guest it'd stick to her for life. I walked up a littel closer to her, and sed: "Maria, cum here." She cum, and caushusly and carefully I put my knoes neer her, and sure enuf I culdnt smell nothin but a slite oder of cloride of lime and a lingerin of carbollick acid. Then I kissed her and maid her get fixed up, cos we was goin to report a oyster supper wot cum off at the U. P. Church. Wen Maria and me got there most everybodie had ete there plate of hot water, wot the church wardin'd had settin down on one of the oyster stalls at Fulton Market for bout a weak, so as it'd inhail a sa very flaver. Soon as Maria and me had got thru our plate, the 'xcitement begun, and the ladies all brot round there books for to hav us giv em 10 cents, and put down our names for a chanse in the one lonesum oyster wot the stew had ben maid of. Wen the wimmin had fleeced all the fellers outer every cent they had, and maid em turn there pockets inside out, so as to be sure they warnt tryin to keep back eny five dollar bills, the preecher got up on a platform and draw'd a number out of a hat full, wot a littel gal held over her hed. 'Fore he red out the number, he called on one of the deecons to offer up a prayer, that the Lord mite open up the hart of the lucky drawer, to donate the oyster to the church, so as they culd hold a nuther supper, without incurrin eny more such 'xtravergant 'xpenses.

   Then the minnysteer sed 46 was the number, wot he'd drawed out, and that it stood oppsite Mr. Wylie's name. Now, Mr. Wylie is a orful rich 
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