Samantha among the Brethren - Volume 2
that. But I sent 'em. I sent Submit the sturchien seeds, and then I laid to work again fast as I possibly could.

   But I sez to the author of "Peaceful Repose," I sez to her, sez I:

   "I feel bad to think I hain't gettin' no time to hear you rehearse your lecture, but you can see jest how it is; you see I hain't had a minute's time today. Mebby I will get a few minutes' time before night; I will try to," sez I.

   "Oh," sez she, "it hain't no matter about that; I—I—I somehow—I don't feel like rehearsin' it as it was." Sez she, "I guess I shall make some changes in it before I rehearse it agin."

   Sez I, "You lay out to make a more mean thing of it, more megum."

   "Yes," sez she, in faint axents, "I am a-thinkin' of it."

   "Wall," sez I cheerfully, as I started for the buttery with a pile of cups in one hand, the castor and pickle dish in the other, and a pile of napkins under my arm, "I believe I shall like it as well again if you do, any way," sez I, as I kicked away the cat that wuz a-clawin' my dress, and opened the door with my foot, both hands bein' full.

   "Any way, there will be as much agin truth in it."

   Wall, I went to work voyalently, and in two hours' time I had got my work quelled down some. But I had to strain nearly every nerve in the effort.

   And I am afraid I didn't use the colporter just exactly right, who come when I wuz right in the midst of puttin' the ingregiences into my tea cakes. I didn't enter so deep into the argument about the Revised New Testament as I should in easier and calmer times. I conversed considerable, I argued some with him, but I didn't get so engaged as mebby I had ort to. He acted disappointed, and he didn't stay and talk more'n an hour and three quarters.

   He generally spends half a day with us. He is a master hand to talk; he'll make your brain fairly spin round he talks so fast and handles such large, curius words. He talked every minute, only when I wuz a-answerin' his questions.

   Wall, he had jest gone, the front gate had just clicked onto him, when Miss Philander Dagget came in at the back door. She had her press-board in her hand, and a coat over her arm, and I see in a minute that I had got another trial onto me. I see I had got to set her right.

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