I had it from the first, and never lost it. On me—though guiltless as a child—the throng Flung all their mockery of thy naked being,— And is the likeness then so very strong? They shouted for my shadow—which, though seeing, They swore they saw not—and, still bent on wrong, Said they were blind; and then put forth their glee in Peals upon peals of laughter! Well—we bear With patience—aye, with joy—the conscience clear. And what—what is the Shadow? may I ask ye, Who am myself so wearyingly asked. Is it too high a problem, then, to task ye? And shall not the malignant world be tasked? The flights of nineteen thousand days unmask ye, They have brought wisdom—in whose trains I basked, And while I gave to shadows, being—saw Being, as shadows, from life’s scene withdraw. Give me thy hand, Schlemihl—take mine, my friend: