Legends of the Saxon Saints
    Notes sur Wattenbach

   , p. 5. Lanigan (c. iii. p. 88) constate qu'Usher, Ware, Colgan, en ont eu la même opinion.... Beaucoup d'autres anciens auteurs irlandais et anglais en font un natif de l'Irlande.'—Montalembert,

    Les Moines d'Occident

   , tome ii. pp. 391-2.

    Page 191


    The thrones are myriad, but the Enthroned is One.

    Wordsworth (addressed to the river Greta).

    Page 208


    Saint Frideswida, or the Foundations of Oxford.

   Saint Frideswida died in the same year as the venerable Bede, viz.


   735. Her story is related by Montalembert,

    Les Moines d'Occident

   , vol. v. pp. 298-302, with the following references, viz.



   , ap. Dugdale, t. I. p. 173; cf. Bolland, t. viii. October, p. 535 à 568. I learn from a Catholic prayer book published in 1720 that the Saint's Feast used to be kept on the 19th of October. Her remains, as is commonly believed, still exist in the Cathedral of Oxford.

    Page 240

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