Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories
   The one particular object in writing this book is to furnish you with an occasional laugh, and the writer with an occasional dollar. If you get the laugh you have your equivalent, and the writer has his.

   In Uncle Josh Weathersby you have a purely imaginary character, yet one true to life. A character chuck full of sunshine and rural simplicity. Take him as you find him, and in his experiences you will observe there is a bright side to everything.

   Sincerely Yours

   Cal Stewart


         Life Sketch of Author

         My Old Yaller Almanac

         Uncle Josh Weathersby's Arrival in New York

         Uncle Josh in Society

         Uncle Josh in a Chinese Laundry

         Uncle Josh in a Museum

         Uncle Josh in Wall Street

         Uncle Josh and the Fire Department

         Uncle Josh in an Auction Room

         Uncle Josh on a Fifth Ave. 'Bus

         Uncle Josh in a Department Store

         Uncle Josh's Comments on the Signs Seen in New York

         Uncle Josh on a Street Car

         My Fust Pair of Copper Toed Boots

         Uncle Josh in Police Court

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