The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
without distinction. "And so," said Tooke, "is the

    London Tavern

   , to such as can afford to

    pay for their entertainment



   Commodore Anson's ship, the Centurion, was engaged in close fight, with the rich Spanish galleon, which he afterwards took, a sailor came running to him, and cried out, "Sir, our ship is on fire very near the powder magazine."—"Then pray, friend," said the commodore, not in the least degree discomposed, "

    run back and assist in putting it out


    A cockney

   being out one day amusing himself with

   shooting, happened to fire through a hedge, on the other side of which was a man standing. The shot passed through the man's hat, but missed the bird. "Did you fire at me, sir?" he hastily asked. "O! no, sir," said the shrewd sportsman, "I

    never hit

   what I fire at."


   is related of the great Dr. Clarke, that when in one of his leisure hours he was unbending himself with a few friends in the most playful and frolicsome manner, he observed Beau Nash approaching; upon which he suddenly stopped: "My boys," said he, "let us be


   : here comes a



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