The Infernal Marriage
heart to the charms of love. Pluto, they whispered, is no longer stern: Pluto also feels the all-subduing influence of beauty. Dread monarch, by the self-same passion that rages in our breasts alike, I implore thy mercy. Thou hast risen from the couch of love, the arm of thy adored has pressed upon thy heart, her honied lips have clung with rapture to thine, still echo in thy ears all the enchanting phrases of her idolatry. Then, by the memory of these, by all the higher and ineffable joys to which these lead, King of Hades, spare me, oh! spare me, Eurydice!'

   Proserpine threw her arms round the neck of her husband, and, hiding her face in his breast, wept.

   'Rash mortal, you demand that which is not in the power of Pluto to concede,' said Lachesis.

   'I have heard much of treason since my entrance into Hades,' replied Orpheus, 'and this sounds like it.'

   'Mortal!' exclaimed Clotho, with contempt.

   'Nor is it in your power to return, sir,' said Tisiphone, shaking her whip.

   'We have accounts to settle with you,' said Megæra.

   'Spare her, spare her,' murmured Proserpine to her lover.

   'King of Hades!' said Lachesis, with much dignity, 'I hold a responsible office in your realm, and I claim the constitutional privilege of your attention. I protest against the undue influence of the Queen. She is a power unknown in our constitution, and an irresponsible agent that I will not recognise. Let her go back to the drawing-room, where all will bow to her.'

   'Hag!' exclaimed Proserpine. 'King of Hades, I, too, can appeal to you. Have I accepted your crown to be insulted by your subjects?'

   'A subject, may it please your Majesty, who has duties as strictly defined by our infernal constitution as those of your royal spouse; duties, too, which, let me tell you, madam, I and

    my order

   are resolved to perform.'

   'Gods of Olympus!' cried Proserpine. 'Is this to be a Queen?'

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