The Infernal Marriage
   'Proserpine! Proserpine!'

   'So soon is the veil withdrawn!'

   'Dearest, you must be unwell. This journey has been too much for you,'

   'On our very bridal day to be so treated!'

   'Soul of my existence, don't make me mad. I love you, I adore you; I have no hope, no wish, no thought but you. I swear it; I swear it by my sceptre and my throne. Speak, speak to your Pluto: tell him all your wish, all your desire. What would you have me do?'

   'Shoot that horrid beast.'

   'Ah! me!'

   'What, you will not? I thought how it would be. I am Proserpine, your beloved, adored Proserpine. You have no wish, no hope, no thought but for me! I have only to speak, and what I desire will be instantly done! And I do speak, I tell you my wish, I express to you my desire, and I am instantly refused! And what have I requested? Is it such a mighty favour? Is it anything unreasonable? Is there, indeed, in my entreaty anything so vastly out of the way? The death of a dog, a disgusting animal, which has already shaken my nerves to pieces; and if ever (here she hid her face in his breast), if ever that event should occur which both must desire, my Pluto, I am sure the very sight of that horrible beast will—I dare not say what it will do.'

   Pluto looked puzzled.

   'Indeed, my Proserpine, it is not in my power to grant your request; for Cerberus is immortal, like ourselves.'

   'Me! miserable!'

   'Some arrangement, however, may be made to keep him out of your sight and hearing. I can banish him.'

   'Can you, indeed? Oh! banish him, my Pluto! pray banish him! I never shall be happy until Cerberus is banished.'

   'I will do anything you desire; but I confess to you I have some misgivings. He is an invaluable watch-dog; and I fear, without his superintendence, the guardians of the gate will scarcely do their duty.'

   'Oh! yes: I am sure they will, my Pluto! I will ask them to, I will ask them myself, I will request them, as a particular and personal favour to myself, to be very careful indeed. And if they do their duty, and I am sure they will, they shall be styled, as a reward, 
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