Hawaiian Folk Tales A Collection of Native Legends
    Hawaiian Folk Tales

     Hawaiian Girl of the Old Régime.


    , 1907


     A. C. McClurg & Co


    Entered at Stationers’ Hall, London, England

    Published March 1, 1907

    The Lakeside Press

    R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company


    It is becoming more and more a matter of regret that a larger amount of systematic effort was not established in early years for the gathering and preservation of the folk-lore of the Hawaiians. The world is under lasting obligations to the late Judge Fornander, and to Dr. Rae before him, for their painstaking efforts to gather the history of this people and trace their origin and migrations; but Fornander’s work only has seen the light, Dr. Rae’s manuscript having been accidentally destroyed by fire.

    The early attempts of Dibble and Pogue to gather history from Hawaiians themselves have preserved to native and foreign readers much that would probably otherwise have been lost. To the late Judge Andrews we are indebted for a very full grammar and dictionary of the language, as also for a valuable manuscript collection of


    and antiquarian literature that passed to the custody of the Board of Education.

    There were native historians in those days; the newspaper articles of S. M. Kamakau, the earlier writings of David Malo, and 
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