follows: "N. B.—His real name was Woodcock, but it wouldn't come in rhyme. His Widow. " The subjoined contains a solemn warning: Upon a tombstone in Pennsylvania: John D L was born March 26 1839 in the town of West Dresden State of New York where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." A tombstone in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, has these lines: From a butcher at Berhampoor, India, to a customer: "To his Highness—Kid Esquire "The humble butcher, Nows Rouny, Restpectfully sheweth that for your honor has sent a good beef, 1 rump and pleased to take it and pay day labor of bearer coolly. As your obedient butcher shall ever pray." From a scholar in India to his master: "My dear Sir: I humbly beg to inform you pleas to give me leaf for one week because I cannot walk with my feet, I am very uncomfortable. Give my compliments to My Master. I pray to God for Everlasting life. I am your humble Servant Shebart Lall." From an Indian school-boy: "Benevolent Sir: The wolf of sickness has laid hold on the flock of my health." From an Indian clerk: "Sir. Being afflicted to the stomach and vomiteng I am sorry I cannot attend to office today."