New York: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. This edition is being printed with new type, cast expressly for the work, on laid linen paper, and in a form and style which give it peculiar elegance. The text is mainly that of DELIUS, the chief difference consisting in a more sparing use of punctuation than that employed by the well-known German editor. Wherever a variant reading is adopted, some good and recognized SHAKSPEREAN critic has been followed. In no case is a new rendering of the text proposed; nor has it been thought necessary to distract the reader's attention by notes or comments. " There is, perhaps no edition in which the works of Shakspere can be read in such luxury of type, and quiet distinction of form, as this. "— Pall Mall Gazette . The English Grammar of William Cobbett . Carefully revised and annotated by Alfred Ayres, Author of "The Orthoëpist," "The Verbalist," etc. "The only amusing grammar in the world."— Henry Lytton Bulwer. "Interesting as a story-book."—