The Humorous Poetry of the English Language; from Chaucer to Saxe
protected by law. To have done less would have deprived the reader of
a most convenient means of observing that, in a kind of composition
confessed to be among the most difficult, our native wits are not
excelled by foreign.

   The editor expected to be embarrassed with a profusion of material for
his purpose. But, on a survey of the poetical literature of the two
countries, it was discovered that, of really excellent humorous
poetry, of the kinds universally interesting, untainted by obscenity,
not marred by coarseness of language, nor obscured by remote allusion,
the quantity in existence is not great. It is thought that this volume
contains a very large proportion of the best pieces that haveappeared.

   An unexpected feature of the book is, that there is not a line in it
by a female hand. The alleged foibles of the Fair have given occasion
to libraries of comic verse; yet, with diligent search, no humorous
poems by women have been found which are of merit sufficient to give
them claim to a place in a collection like this. That lively wit and
graceful gayety, that quick perception of the absurd, which ladies are
continually displaying in their conversation and correspondence,
never, it seems, suggest the successful epigram, or inspire happy
satirical verse.

   The reader will not be annoyed by an impertinent superfluity of notes.
At the end of the volume may be found a list of the sources from which
its contents have been taken. For the convenience of those who live
remote from biographical dictionaries, a few dates and other
particulars have been added to the mention of each name. For valuable
contributions to this portion of the volume, and for much
well-directed work upon other parts of it, the reader is indebted to
Mr. T. BUTLER GUNN, of this city.

   There is, certainly, nothing more delightful than the fun of a man of
genius. Humor, as Mr. Thackeray observes, is charming, and poetry is
charming, but the blending of the two in the same composition is
irresistible. There is much nonsense in this book, and some folly, and
a little ill-nature; but there is more wisdom than either. They who
possess it may congratulate themselves upon having the largest
collection ever made of the sportive effusions of genius.

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