Mary Louise in the Country
taking both his dusky hands in her own and shaking them cordially. "How is Aunt Polly, and how is your 'rheum'tics'?"

   "Rheum'tics done gone foh good, Ma'y Weeze," he said, his round face all smiles. "Dis shuah am one prosterous country foh health. Nobuddy sick but de invahlids, an' dey jus' 'magines dey's sick, dat's all."

   "Glad to see you, Uncle," said the Colonel. "A little late, eh?—as usual. But perhaps you had a tire change."

   "No, seh, Kun'l, no tire change. I was jus' tryin' to hurry 'long dat lazy Joe Brennan, who's done comin' foh de trunks. Niggehs is slow, Kun'l, dey ain't no argyment 'bout dat, but when a white man's a reg'leh loaf eh, seh, dey ain' no niggeh kin keep behind him."

   "Joe Brennan is coming, then?"

   "Dat's right, Kun'l; he's comin'. Done start befoh daylight, in de lumbeh-wagin. But when I done ketch up wi' dat Joe—a mile 'n' a half away—he won't lis'n to no reason. So I dodged on ahead to tell you-uns dat Joe's on de way."

   "How far is it from here to Cragg's Crossing, then?" inquired Mary Louise.

   "They call it ten miles," replied her grandfather, "but I imagine it's nearer twelve."

   "And this is the nearest railway station?"

   "Yes, the nearest. But usually the Crossing folks who own motor cars drive to the city to take the trains. We alighted here because in our own case it was more convenient and pleasant than running into the city and out again, and it will save us time."

   "We be home in half'n hour, mos' likely," added Uncle Eben, as he placed the suit cases and satchels in the car. Colonel Hathaway and Mary Louise followed and took their seats.

   "Is it safe to leave our trunks here?" asked the girl.

   "Undoubtedly," replied her grandfather. "Joe Brennan will doubtless arrive before long and, really, there is no person around to steal them."

   "I've an idea I shall like this part of the country," said Mary Louise musingly, as they drove away.

   "I am confident you will, my dear."

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