Love Conquers All
reappear, this time more gingerly and somewhat dispirited. They will, however, sing the following, to the music of the "Ballet Pizzicato" from "Sylvia":

       "We greet you, we greet you,

       On this Christmas Eve so fine.

       We greet you, we greet you,

       And wish you a good time."

      They will then turn toward the tree and Flora Rochester will advance, hanging a silver star on one

       [pg 026]

      of the branches, meanwhile reciting a verse, the only distinguishable words of which are: "

       I am Faith so strong and pure


      At the conclusion of her recitation, the star will fall off.

      Lillian McNulty will then step forward and hang her star on a branch, reading her lines in clear tones:

        "And I am Hope, a virtue great,

        My gift to Christmas now I make,

        That children and grown-ups may hope today

        That tomorrow will be a merry Christmas Day."

      The hanging of the third star will be consummated by Gertrude Hamingham, who will get as far as "

       Sweet Charity I bring to place upon the tree

      —" at which point the strain will become too great and she will forget the remainder. After several frantic glances toward the wings, from which Mrs. Drury is sending out whispered messages to the effect that the next line begins, "

       My message bright

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