Bloodthirsty Divinity
Bloodthirsty Divinity

    The bewildered me has been repeatedly ravaged by the merciless reality, making me understand who should be killed and who should be pitied.
    Reality is always so cruel. I must become stronger to have the ability to protect the meager and hard-earned 'friendship'. I am willing to sacrifice myself to protect that little bit of affection and friendship.
    I have been striving continuously for this day. Look forward to the day when I dominate the world!!!
    The novel will be updated after some time.

Chapter 1: The Birth of Long Yi

On a tranquil night, unlike the usual calm, the people beneath the sky were busy, their faces showing unease. Brows furrowed, they gazed at the magnificent gate before them, seemingly waiting for the city's lord to speak.

Suddenly, the gate opened with a loud creak, making the people even more restless. Some whispered among themselves, others squatted in corners chatting excitedly, not from anxiety, but sneaking in laughter.

"Hmph, everyone, don't panic. The lady of the city lord will be fine. You don't need to wear such worried faces now. We should be happy! Once the lady overcomes this difficulty, our Longcheng will have an heir."

A man with a large sword at his waist and a distinct emblem on his chest—a six-sided shape engraved with a dragon head—stood before the crowd. This man, Long Ba, a guard personally chosen by the lord himself, was a figure of formidable presence.

Seeing Long Ba from the Punishment Department of Longcheng, many people began to whisper again...

"Lord Long Ba, greetings to the Deputy City Lord."

Seeing that Long Ba was a trusted confidant of the city lord, they did not dare to be negligent. After all, he was a person of considerable influence whom they would rely on in the future. Moreover, his strength was unmatched by anyone except the city lord.

"Have you found out what's wrong with the lady? How could she fall for no reason, causing the child to be born three months early?"

"Deputy City Lord, I have been investigating and indeed found some clues."

"Quickly, tell me what's wrong," the Deputy City Lord said, suddenly agitated.

"Hmph! It seems someone is plotting in the shadows," Long Ba said. 

Before he could elaborate, a maid ran in and informed the Deputy City Lord, "The lady is going into labor."

Why call the Deputy City Lord over the lady's labor? It was simple: the city lord and the deputy city lord were brothers. The city lord had been praying fervently at various temples for the safe birth of his son and had left the deputy in charge, instructing the household staff to follow his lead.

Deputy City Lord Long Yuan asked, "Xiao Qing, how is the lady's condition?"

"Master Long Yuan, the lady insists on consulting the city lord personally. 
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