Bloodthirsty Divinity
us steel with intricate patterns, resembling flowing clouds and water; and the renowned Myanmese blade, forged meticulously and known for its softness, lightness, and lethal power, especially at the tip and edge. It’s ideal to carry at the waist.”

Before the shopkeeper could finish, the burly man’s eyes lit up as he stared at the great sword in Qiyun’s hand. He bellowed, “That’s the one I want.”

“Sir, I’m afraid that’s not possible. This sword is already chosen by this young man.”

Before the shopkeeper could finish, the burly man slapped him hard. Blood spurted from the shopkeeper’s mouth, along with two teeth.

“Sir, you...”

“What about me? I want this sword; name your price.”

Seeing this, Long Ba couldn’t hold back any longer. He addressed the burly man, “Brother, this sword is for my grandson. There’s a concept of first come, first served, isn’t there?”

The burly man impatiently retorted, “I said I want this sword.”

Long Ba paused for a moment, thinking this man was like an ant and easily crushable. A mere martial artist dared to show off in front of a master like him? Laughable.

With a thunderous shout, Long Ba unleashed his martial aura. The burly man, who had been domineering moments before, trembled in fear and collapsed to the ground.

Trembling, he stammered, “Do you know who I... whose man I am?”

Remembering his backing, he suddenly regained confidence, “I am a gatekeeper of the Falling Leaves Sect.”


The shopkeeper paled, touching his swollen face from the earlier slap. He knew the Falling Leaves Sect was known for its ruthless retaliation and remembered their leader, Lord Ye Tianxiang, had wiped out an entire family in one night over an offense.

Despite his fear, the shopkeeper was relieved, thinking he hadn’t yet seriously offended anyone of Falling Leaves Sect.

Long Ba, seemingly relaxed, stroked his beard and said, “Is your sect leader Ye Tianxiang?”

“You know our leader!”

“Hahaha! Not only do I know him,” Long Ba laughed heartily, “but you should fetch your leader here. Tell him Ba Gui is waiting for him.”

The burly man, unwilling to believe, pointed at Long Ba and said, “Who do you think you are? You think you can order me around?”

Long Ba waved his hand, unleashing a powerful aura that nearly crushed the burly man. Not even a hair's breadth of pressure touched Qiyun, whom Long Ba was protecting.

The burly man, vomiting blood, pleaded, “Grandpa Ghost, I'm sorry. Please spare me. I’ll fetch our leader right away.”


Long Ba dismissed the pressure. The heavily injured burly man could only crawl away. Long Ba added, “If he’s not here in half an hour, I’ll find him myself.”

The burly man crawled away without looking back.

Long Ba took out a medicinal pill from his sleeve, handed it to the shopkeeper, an
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